Durgesh Solar Solution Private Limited

Solar Water Heater

Solar Solution

Solution for

Solar Water Heater

Evacuated tube solar collectors convert energy from the sun into usable heat in a solar water heating system. This energy can be used for domestic and commercial hot water heating, pool heating, space heating or even air conditioning.

Construction of the ETC solar collector is as follows:

  1. Evacuated Tube (ET) Absorbs solar energy and converts it to usable heat. A vacuum between the two glass layers insulates against heat loss. The Heat Transfer Fin helps to transfer heat to the Heat Pipe.
  2. Heat Pipe (HP) Copper vacuum pipe that transfers the heat from within the ET up to the manifold.
  3. Manifold Insulated box containing the copper header pipe. The header is a pair of contoured copper pipes with dry connect sockets that the heat pipes plug into.
  4. Mounting Frame Strong and easy to install with a range of attachment options.


  1. Eco friendly & Economical.
  2. BIS approved Copper collectors.
  3. High System Operating Efficiency.
  4. TIG/MIG welded SS 304/optional mild steel tank.
  5. Easy to install, operate and maintain.
  6. Optional back up heater with control panel.
  7. Sacrificial anode for tank protection.
  8. Study support structure with protective coating.
  9. Design life is excess 20 years.
  10. Reduced energy cost and low recurring expenses.
  11. 100% Depreciation Benefit.
  12. Available from 50 to 5000 liter per day capacity.
  13. At any 600C, in depressurized and pressurized configuration.

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Flat Plate Collector (FPC)

Flat plate collectors are exploited to transform solar energy into useful heat predominantly in producing heated water for industry, residential, and commercial applications.

Evacuated Plate Collectors (EPC)

Evacuated plate collectors are a way in which heat loss to the environment, inherent in flat-plates, has been reduced. Since heat loss due to convection cannot cross a vacuum, it forms an efficient isolation mechanism to keep heat inside the collector pipes.


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